Rhenish Girls’ High School’s Learner Support Unit (LSU) currently consists of a full-time counselling psychologist (Ms Lauren Conchar), educational psychologist (Mrs Almarie Nel), and academic support teacher (Mrs Christelle Pretorius) who are overseen by the Deputy Principal (Dr Rika Kroon).
Academic Learner Support
This arm of the LSU, headed by Mrs Christelle Pretorius, focuses on providing much needed support such as subject-specific assistance, soft skills like study methods and crucial underlying thinking skills.
Academic excellence at Rhenish is built on a foundation of individual support where we try to see the needs of every learner and put help in place.
Emotional Support
The emotional well-being of all Rhenishers is of paramount importance and Rhenish has two full time psychologists who steer this arm of the LSU. Ms Lauren Conchar (a counselling psychologist) and Mrs Nel (an educational psychologist) have some 18 years of experience in the field of educational psychology between them.
Emotional and academic support is available to all our learners. Learners and parents are welcome to make an appointment to see one of the support professionals, either by coming past their offices, or by emailing them.